Saturday, March 9, 2013

Garden Grocery List- Indoor Seed Starting

 In my first post, I went over what it takes to set up lights for starting your seeds indoors. It is unbelievably simple. If I can do it - really - anyone can. Don't let what you read online about expensive grow-light systems intimidate you.. I'm starting seeds basically the same way my Grandpa did, and that man had an epic garden.

Lights- fixture, bulbs, chain
Power Strip
Table & Tarp
Seed Inserts, Trays & clear Lids
Potting soil, Vermiculite, Manure
Light Timer
Oscillating Fan
Seed-Starting Log- when you sow, when they sprout, when to transplant

 I started out with this spray bottle to get my seeds germinated. There are pros & cons. One major con is that this spray bottle sucks. It doesn't actually "spray".. it only "streams." Thanks Dollar Tree.
However, it isnt a complete failure and it worked to get things going. I WILL SAY that taking the time to SPRAY each individual sprout.. can be incessant. Yes, it is a gentle way to treat your babies.. but I'm moving onto the re-purposed ketchup bottle. The water comes out quicker, but still quite gentle, and you wont have sore hands from squeezing that dang spray bottle.

The Holy Trinity. Baptize your seedlings in a blend of Potting Soil, Vermiculite and Manure and they will never disappoint you.

Don't forget to label everything AS you plant it! This year, thankfully, I only forgot to label ONE tray, so by the series of elimination I was able to title it "Green Mustard." Yum.

Seed Starting Log

This is just a log of what has been started inside. I will also be direct sowing onion and lettuce seeds in the garden, and re-planting all of the greens every few weeks. You can keep planting greens through the Fall, so as you harvest, it is recommended that you keep sowing seeds. If for some reason my pepper plants don't sprout, I will also direct sow them in the garden. They take the longest, so I'll give them another week to sprout in-doors before I re-plant the seeds.

Quan Veg Variety Sow Date est. Germ Time Sprouted Transplant
12 Pepper- Corno Di Toro sweet pepper 18-Feb 12-25 days 1-May
2 Pepper- Jalapeno 18-Feb 12-25 days 1-May
6 Pepper- Bell, Magno F-1 18-Feb 12-25 days 1-May
6 Celery, Tango 18-Feb "fast" 9-Mar 1-Apr
9 Tomato, Cherokee Purple 18-Feb 6-14 days 2-Mar 1-May
12 Chives 18-Feb 10-14 days 10-Apr
9 Tomato, Yellow Pear 18-Feb 6-14 days 2-Mar 1-May
3 Parsley, Italian Flat Leaf 18-Feb 12-17 days 5-Mar Mar 25-26 
5 Broccoli, Nutri-Bud 18-Feb 5-10 days 25-Feb Mar 25-26 
6 Okra, green 8-Mar 2-7 days 1-May
8 Lettuce, Big Boston 18-Feb 3-7 days 22-Feb Mar 25-26 
20 Onion, Rossa Di Milano 18-Feb 7-14 days 27-Feb Mar 25-26 
20 Onion, Valencia 18-Feb 7-14 days 27-Feb Mar 25-26 
8 Arugula 18-Feb 3-7 days 22-Feb Mar 25-26 
8 Kale, Vates Blue Curled 18-Feb 3-7 days 24-Feb Mar 25-26 
8 Mustard, Green Wave 18-Feb 3-7 days 23-Feb Mar 25-26 
8 Mustard, Red Giant 18-Feb 3-7 days 23-Feb Mar 25-26 
8 Cabbage, Savoy 26-Feb 5-10 days 9-Mar 15-Mar
8 Summer Squash Mix 16-Mar 1-May
8 Cucumbers 25-Mar 1-May
4 Basil, Thai 16-Mar 1-May
4 Basil, Aroma 16-Mar 1-May
4 Basil, Aromatto 16-Mar 1-May
4 Basil, Genova 16-Mar 1-May

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