Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Thinning Seedlings & the Growth of the True Leaf

 When planting seeds indoors I usually drop 2-3 seeds into each cup. Once they've sprouted, I give them a few weeks to compete with each other, then once the seedlings begin to form their "true leaf" it is time to thin them, or trim off the weakest links.
This Broccoli sprout hasn't formed its "true leaf" yet. But, you can see that I went ahead and thinned her weakling competitor anyway. I snipped that sucker off so now all of the nutrients and light can go towards one plant, the strongest.
I couldn't get a good focus here with my camera.. Ill figure it out eventually. But you can see on this Broccoli sprout that the true leaf is just starting to peak out.
This seedling has two healthy true leafs growing.

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